that april 3 was our graduation day. and to tell you the truth, it turned out unexpectedly. we were so wacky while the ceremony, yelled and applauded our deserving batchmates (including me..i got a medal for recognition in campus journalism! yeah! ^_^). days before that, we were told to be behave because that's a formal ceremony, but being the pasaway students that we are, we didn't listen. ^_^ that was the last time of our bonding as whole fourth years, so who cares?! hehe.. :-P
then last april 6, we held our very own CAT graduation. as expected, we were (again), pasaway. on the same day we were given our report cards and certificates. after that, my "no-thugz" friends and i went malling. nothing much..^_^
right now, i'm so excited about 2 upcoming events: henry's "treat" at KFC and marymag's splash island outing! i can't wait..super!!! we (my family) just went on a swimming spree last thursday, so my complexion is now a bit tan, but i'm not gonna let that splashie chance pass! :-P
but let us not forget that today is black saturday. my thoughts can't wait until tomorrow so, i took a little time to blog. let us remember how JC sacrificed for us. ^_^